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Swingers Socials

single male swinger

A swingers social is:

  • A swingers meeting place where no sex occurs, it is also called:
    • In USA: A meet and Greet or Swingers Dance, the term "Off Premise" is also commonly used.
    • Many American states ban swinging, so people arrange meet and greets at hotels where everyone books a room. If people hit it off they will retire to each others rooms for play
    • In UK: A munch or Swingers Social
    • In Germany & Holland it is called a "Swingers CafĂ©"
    • In Spain it is called a "Reunion Liberal"

Everyone is welcome to attend: You can be straight, bi sexual or gay. You can be any race, any age, and any religeon.

A Swingers Social is an event where you can meet other swingers, or other people interested in getting into the swinging scene.

As the event is held in a public bar, there is no pressure to get involved in swinging on the night.

We never charge a fee, people come along, buy their own drinks and chat to the other guests.

If you like people and are interested in meeting them in the future, you exchange telephone numbers or email addresses with them.

If you want to play on the night, you return to their hotel or apartment/home with them.

The rules are simple: Be polite, be friendly, don't be pushy, and stay on topic. Avoid conversations about politics and religeon.